Tag: charlottesville va architects
Architects’ Perspectives on the issue of Confederate Statues
Charlottesville, Virginia was recently visited, or more aptly invaded by, members of nearly fifty different organizations loosely falling under the umbrella of the Alt-Right…
Zero energy homes | the Passivhaus approach to reducing energy bills in homes
True or false – adding insulation has diminishing returns? True, doubling the thickness of a roof insulation doubles the cost while halving the heat loss/gain, and half of a half is a quarter and half of that an eighth…. So, “How low should we go?” as some have asked.
In Pursuit of Happiness – The Question of Size and Architecture
The topic of size comes up a lot at architectural conferences. The issue is an important one for obvious reasons – bigger homes require more energy to heat and cool and more energy goes into the construction materials.
Modern Green Virginia Beach House Tour
Superinsulated and designed to meet Passivhaus standards, triple glazed windows, Huber Zip system, FSC certified woods and many other sustainable features.
Virginia’s Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center in Film
Teen filmmaker James Hill documentary showcases the Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center’s green features.
Lewis & Clark Exploratory Center of Virginia: Engaging People is Key to a Building’s Success
We design with the philosophy that engaging people in our buildings is key to a project’s success. We think a lot about how to create opportunities for discovery, for collaboration, for a conversation with nature
Architects and Community Engagement
We believe in win-win solutions. Obstacles can be surmounted with creative thinking and a few skills. One area where architects can make a difference is in the public arena.
Allison Ewing Shares Her Green Design Expertise at Hanley Wood’s Vision 2020 Symposium
She discusses why the building is at a Darwinian crossroads and it’s time to evolve an Architecture of the Fittest.