Those committed to changing the business-as-usual of the industry must define a new species of building, one that operates at scale. The US population is growing — it’s tripled in the last 100 years and by year 2030, California, Texas and Florida will each increase by an estimated 12 million people, accounting for more than half of the nation’s growth. Which means a lot of new homes will be built. Who is building these new homes? Developers will build roughly three-quarters of these new homes. What’s more, nearly a quarter of developer-built homes are constructed by the top ten developers in the country. The developer is the elephant in the room. That is the challenge.
Here is the opportunity: by 2030, three-quarters of construction will have been built during the previous 20 years. In other words, if we start now, we can get this done – but only if we engage the developer toward positive and constructive change.