Category: biomimicry
New research on “mother” trees | the importance of FSC certified wood
Mother trees that communicate to their seedlings, sending them nutrients? Trees that share information among species to ensure their mutual survival?…
Low-energy Solutions
We humans, occupants of the habitat we call The World, find ourselves in a predicament – confronted by a changing environment, we must adapt and do so quickly, achieving carbon neutrality by 2030
Lichen grows on the sunny side of the bark of a tree, capitalizing on the warm of the environment. I’m fascinated by the compass termite amitermes meridionalis, native to northern Australia, that builds its nest like a sundial.
The Not So Big Apartment
Nature has more to teach us on size: Scientists are observing radical changes in body size in countless mammals, birds, insects, flowers… as a result of climate change.
Shape in Context
The natural world has many examples of adaptation to climate. The northern white-tailed deer has a lower surface area to volume ratio than does its more diminutive southern cousin and radiates less body heat per unit of mass, allowing it to stay warmer in the colder climate.
Safety in Numbers
In Aristotelian terms, techné, craftmanship, craft or art, was considered the imperfect practice of nature. Nature was regarded as teacher and keeper.
Architecture of the Fittest – 01
Fossil records support a theory on evolution whereby isolated populations, subjected to a new environmental pressures adapt rapidly, often within several or a dozen generations.